Kia Ora, we’re James and Franco.
Better known as James Franco (like the actor, yeah? Yeah.)
In a professional capacity, we’re creative partners. But really, we’re much more than that. We live together, work together, moved countries together and sometimes we even make dinner together.
If that sounds like a lot to you, trust us it is.
Our creative love began to blossom when we met in Auckland at Media Design School in 2021. Flash forward a few years, a new job, a new country, and a few awards later, we find ourselves at Ogilvy Sydney.
The long of the short of it is, we’re best mates and creative partners who love what we do and just want to make awesome work.
So, seeing as you’ve made it this far, why don’t you stick around and check out what they pay us the going rate in the industry bucks for.